Lavv’s TOS

( stands for terms of service )

failure to comply to these terms and/or conditions will result in getting blacklisted, unable to sell/trade/receive any of my designs and/or art.


  • paypal & canadian etransfer are accepted (prices will be converted into CAD).

  • payment comes first.

  • i have a right to decline any commission request if i feel uncomfortable.

  • commissions may take from a week up to a few months. thank you for your patience.

  • i will send you a sketch before lining and colouring for approval.

  • if i am unable to finish your commission, you will receive a full refund.

  • you can not ask for a refund once i’ve begun your commission.

  • i will only modify the final artwork if i’ve made a mistake ; accessories and changes are to be requested at the sketch check-in.

  • my art for personal use only (ie. icon, poster, background) do not in any way profit from my art (however reselling the character with the set price is ok! do not inflate the cost).

  • any private info exchanged (ie. email, phone number, address) is expected to remain private.


  • do not sell my designs for more than their base worth without additional art added.

  • colourpicking is OK! design ripoffs are not.

  • under NO CIRCUMSTANCES do i allow nsfw of my designs to be drawn. this will result in an immediate blacklist.

  • i allow redesigns of my designs, but it must stay in the same toyhouse profile as the original.

  • redesigns have limits; ie. colour tweaks, tiny details, and additional/removal of small patterns are ok. making a completely different character heavily based off of my design is not tolerated.

  • do not create new characters out of a design’s alt palette or redesign and profit off of them.

  • blacklisted users can not, in any way, obtain more of my designs. users who are conscious of my blacklist and continue to break my TOS will be blacklisted as well.

  • moodboards are accepted and encouraged when purchasing a custom.